Questions about KEGIS masks
Are KEGIS masks government-approved?
- Humask Pro Vision masks fully comply with North American ASTM F2100 standards, and Entreprise Prémont is licensed to manufacture class 1 medical devices.
Where are your masks manufactured?
- All Humask masks are made in Canada and manufactured in our factory in Louiseville, Quebec.
How often throughout the day should I change my mask?
- CNESST recommends changing your mask every 4 hours for optimal protection.
Do your masks contain any dangerous materials like graphene?
- No, our masks do not contain any harmful chemicals nor metals. We are very proud to maintain the highest quality in our raw materials and protection is always our number one priority. You can access the materials list for each of our products by clicking on "Technical sheet" or "Certificate of analysis" for test results in the lower section of any product's page.
What’s the difference between each of your masks?
- We design different masks to meet different protection standards. While the classic Humask line meets ASTIM F2100 Level 1 and Level 2 requirements, Humask Pro masks offer superior protection to meet the most stringent healthcare requirements. Moreover, Humask Pro masks are designed with the HuCare membrane for maximum comfort and exceptional performance.
Why choose Humask over another brand of protective masks?
- Humask Pro masks are designed with our HuCare membrane. This exclusive technology offers greater efficiency, better breathability, and maximum comfort. Regarding our other products, we can proudly say that each mask is made in Quebec. By choosing Humask, you’re protecting yourself while supporting the local economy.
What’s the lifespan of my Humask mask?
- When not in use and stored correctly, classic Humask masks have a shelf life of 2 years. Humask Pro masks last 3 years and Humask Pro Vision, 2 years.
How can I be sure of the quality of my mask?
- All Humask masks now proudly display the brand’s logo, a guarantee of quality and peace of mind.